A Short Note: Let’s Embrace Menstruation Positively for Everyone


Menstruation is a biological process every woman experience from puberty to 52-55 years of age. It is generally a cycle of 2 to 7 days and can last up to 10 days. During periods, hormones change frequently and leave an unpleasant experience that affects individuals differently. However, its common symptoms are cramps, irritation, itching, foul odor, mood swings, and food cravings. Nevertheless, it is an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience for females, which sometimes affects menstrual health.

Poor menstrual health has become a growing issue worldwide. The main reasons behind it are lack of resources, insufficient knowledge on periods and inadequate menstrual hygiene. In fact, according to research by UNICEF, 2.3 billion people worldwide lack basic sanitation methods.

Periods are an entirely unavoidable process. Still, it can be managed by following a set of healthy practices. Eating a nutritious diet, drinking a sufficient amount of water, getting adequate rest and maintaining proper hygiene is necessary in maintaining proper menstrual health. According to Cristiana Sandor, CEO, Stetho Health Systems, “women are responsible for the complete well-being of society. And, to do it effectively, we need to take care of ourselves & should empower each other for the total well-being of the community.” Alongside practicing maintaining good menstrual health women should work together in empowering each other through the hormonal changes they go through every month. Women and young girls all over the world experience menstruation and working together to educate and support one another can also help them maintain proper menstrual health, by showing women they are not alone and have support from other women going through the same hormonal changes each month.

In Summary-

Now is the time to bust all the myths and taboos related to poor menstrual health. And to do so, we as women should uplift & inspire each other for the better well-being of society. Also, it is crucial to understand that though we all come from diverse backgrounds, periods are the same for every woman. All women experience similar symptoms, and thus it is vital to seek help from other women whenever required. Women should get united and spread awareness regarding menstrual health to positively impact underprivileged communities’ lives. At Stetho Health Systems, “we are focused on bringing a line of Health & Hygiene products to complement and solve Menstrual Health & Hygiene problems faced by women and girls around the globe.”, - Cristiana Sandor.

Visit us to learn more about menstrual health.


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