Gender Equity


March 8th is International Women’s Day to “celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women from all around the world.” In 1977 the United Nations agreed to declare March 8th as the official day to observe International Women’s Day though it first emerged in the early 1900s.

We celebrate International Women’s Day to bring awareness to gender biases, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse that women fall victim to every day. Each year the United Nations sets a theme to bring awareness to and this year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity.

Equity is the quality of being fair. Gender equity is treating everyone with fairness regardless of gender. Gender equity helps lead to gender equality. Gender equity is identifying and recognizing that each person is different but once we identify that we can allocate resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. We must first recognize the difference and then find a way to move forward toward equal opportunity.

How to embrace gender equity at home:

Home is typically the first place where children learn about gender discrimination. Often girls are taught to take care of the house by cooking, cleaning, and taking care of all household responsibilities. They are also taught to care for the kids while the man is typically responsible for fixing things up around the house or maintaining the outside yard work. Giving children chores not assigned to a gender role can help teach the that responsibilities in the house should be fair and equal not assigned because of gender.

How to embrace gender equity in the workplace:

Women and men should be able to do any job they want fairly. Women should be able to apply for a job in hopes that they will have the same treatment if they were a man. There should be no barrier when a woman applies for a job “for a man”. Women should have equal opportunities for promotions, leadership roles, and pay as a man when it comes to the workplace. Jobs should look at the qualifications that someone has to offer rather than their gender when it comes to hiring for a job.

How to embrace gender equity in your community:

Celebrate women. Women have made history and built a strong foundation for today’s generation. Continue celebrating women and breaking barriers for future generations. Don’t be afraid to be the voice of change, to be the first, and to make a difference to help pave way for gender equity for today, tomorrow, and forever.


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