Is your period healthy?



Menstruation can be a very confusing topic to understand. There are so many different parts of menstruation and the female body; not every woman menstruates the same. Diversity surrounds us every day and where some women can relate to you in some ways when it comes to menstruation, they aren’t able to relate to you in every way. For first-time menstruators, it can be even more difficult to understand especially without the proper education. This is why we at Stetho Health Systems want to educate women around the world about proper menstrual health and hygiene. Whether you have been menstruating for years or just got your first period there is always something to be learned about menstruation such as is your period consider to be a healthy period.

What makes a period healthy?

A healthy period for you may not be the same for your friend. Your period could last 5 days and hers could last only 2 days, but that doesn’t mean that her period isn’t healthy. A healthy period should last anywhere between 2 and 7 days. A healthy cycle should last 21–35 days or anywhere between, but it should be consistent each month. Using a period tracker app can help you track how long your cycle lasts and give a rough estimate of when you could start your next period.

When it comes to your menstrual blood the color can range from red to dark brown. Dark brown blood is typically old blood. Blood that has been oxidized darkens over time and can even turn black. According to the CDC women typically lose 2 to 3 tablespoons of blood each cycle.

There is a huge assumption that periods are extremely painful. Yes, periods do cause some pain they shouldn’t be painful enough to stop you from living your life to the fullest. If you are experiencing extremely painful periods there is a chance that something could be wrong. Period cramps should be slightly discomforting but not life-affecting.

What makes an unhealthy period?

If your periods last longer the 5 days and your cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days, then your period shows signs of being irregular and potentially unhealthy. Your period is also unhealthy if you have heavy menstrual bleeding. The CDC states that menstrual bleeding is considered heavy if you need to change your tampon or pad after less than 2 hours or if you are passing clots the size of a quarter or larger.

Other signs that your periods may be unhealthy are if you are experiencing heavy cramping or if you have foul vaginal discharge before and after your period.


Periods for everyone are completely different but yet still the same. Women experience menstruation every day, every year, and every minute, and they affect women differently, but most people don’t know what a healthy period is. A healthy period for you may mean your menstrual cycle is every 24 days and your period last for 3 days but that doesn’t mean that is a healthy period for another woman. If you believe you have an unhealthy cycle consult your doctor to get answers.


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