Feminine Hygiene Products


Hygiene Products

There are hundreds of feminine hygiene products that stock the shelves of stores around the world. Feminine hygiene products are products used to maintain proper vaginal health whether it is a sanitary pad used to absorb menstrual blood or feminine hygiene wash used to keep the vulva area clean. Of these hundreds of products that women have access to it can be hard to find and decide what products you should use for your care.

Feminine Hygiene Products and How to Decide What is Right for You:

· Sanitary Pads:

Sanitary pads are one of the most commonly used menstrual hygiene products and there are so many different options when it comes to choosing how can you choose what is best for you.

When purchasing sanitary pads there are a few things to consider: ingredients in the pad, absorbency, and the length of the pad. When looking at the ingredients you should avoid any brands that have synthetic plastic materials, fragrances, dyes, or pesticides. Only you know your flow and can decide what absorbency you need. Often time a woman’s flow will change throughout her period so you may need more than just one style of pad.

Finding sanitary pads that work for you can take trying out a few brands to find the right brand that offers you comfort during your cycle.

· Tampons:

Similar to sanitary pads when purchasing tampons, you should take into consideration absorbency and ingredients. You do not need to take into the length of the tampon since tampons are typical all the same length.

Again, when searching for tampons that work for you, you may need to try out a few brands to find the right fit. Buying menstrual hygiene products takes time. You have to educate yourself on brands, and your cycle and find the right products that work for you. Even if that means trying out 2 to 3 different brands.

· Feminine Wash and Wipes:

The vagina is self-cleansing and doesn’t need any additional help to stay fresh and clean. You should never cleanse your vagina with soap. Though you should never cleanse your vagina it is okay to clean your vulva. The vulva is the outer part of the vagina.

When choosing a feminine wash or wipe you should look for products that are made with natural ingredients, balance the pH, are naturally scented, and don’t contain any chemicals or harsh ingredients.

Stetho Health Systems:

Here are Stetho Health Systems we have created a brand designed for women with women in mind to help women all around the world with their feminine hygiene needs. Stetho Health Systems has researched and developed science-backed healthy, sustainable, everyday essential products you can trust. With our research, Stetho Health Systems has introduced a feminine hygiene brand called Ava.

Ava is a brand that’s goal is to make every woman using our products feel like they were designed exclusively for her, giving her the feeling of “wow, this is all about me”.

If you are looking for a feminine hygiene brand that offers products designed to combat PMS symptoms and improve menstrual health and hygiene for women around the world, visit  for more information.


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