Sustainable Periods: Limit Waste


Stetho Health Systems

There are roughly 3.9 billion women in this world. Of those 3.9 billion women, 2.3 billion women lack access to basic sanitation methods. That leaves us with 1.6 billion women that have access to basic sanitation. Of those 1.6 billion women, according to WaterAid, 800 million women, aging from puberty to 35-40 years of age, are menstruating. If we assume that 30 percent of the 800 million menstruating women use sanitary pads, that will give us roughly 240 million women that use only sanitations pads and 560 million women that use other forms of basic sanitation. Women generally get their cycle for 2 to 7 days, lasting up to 10 days, every month. If menstruating women use 6 sanitation pads per cycle, that is 1.4 billion sanitation pads per month and 16 billion sanitation pads per year that end up in our landfills. 


What is a Sustainable Period? 


A sustainable period is reducing the amount of waste menstruating women use while on their periods. When you choose to have a sustainable period, you are choosing to limit the waste that is going into landfills, and you are choosing to better the environment for generations to come. By choosing to buy sustainable feminine products you are choosing to not only limit waste but slow climate change and lessen your carbon footprint. By choosing to have a sustainable period, you are working to lower the 16 billion sanitation pads that go into our landfills and oceans per year. If women worldwide educate themselves, not just on menstrual health and sanitation, but also on having a sustainable period, we can not only change women of all ages' lives but make an impact on bettering our environment for today's generation and generations to come. 


At Stetho Health Systems we are engaged in producing sustainable products and packaging by using fresh, transparent, and chemical-free ingredients. We strive to produce and use recyclable or reusable packaging for most of our products. At Stetho Health Systems our goal to try and help limit waste so that we can help solve critical issues that our planet is facing.


At Ava: Feminine Health and Hygiene, introduced by Stetho Health Systems, we research and develop science-backed, healthy, sustainable, everyday menstrual hygiene products you can trust. Through our products our goal is to not only empower and make menstruation better for females around the world but also protect our planet while doing so.



 “Here at Stetho, Our efforts include breaking the old-age stereotypes about gender expectations, helping in shaping a better future for girls & women, producing sustainable products and packaging, using fresh, transparent and toxin-free ingredients & products.”- Cristiana Sandor, CEO, Stetho Health Systems stated. Though it is important for women to educate themselves and others when it comes to sanitary needs, it is also important for women to empower and uplift each other in a vulnerable time when on their periods. It is important for women to do research on products and find sustainable products that not only benefit themselves during their cycle but our world’s environment.  


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