


When there is inflammation in the vagina it can cause discharge, itching, and pain, this is known as vaginitis. The most common forms of vaginitis are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and trichomoniasis. Vaginitis can be caused by a change of bacteria in the vagina or an infection. If you ever experience vaginitis, it will leave you feeling uncomfortable in your body due to its discomfort and pain.


Symptoms of Vaginitis:

· Discharge

· Painful urination

· Irritation

· Vaginal itching


Ways you can get Vaginitis:

· Imbalanced pH levels

· Over-cleansing of the vagina

· Sexual activities

· STI’s


How to Avoid getting Vaginitis:


· Avoid douching:

Over-cleansing of the vaginal area can cause bacteria to become imbalanced and increase the risk of infection. The vagina needs a balance of good and bacteria.

· Avoid tight clothing:

Tight clothing traps moisture and doesn’t allow the vaginal area to breathe. Yeast and bacteria thrive in moist climates and cause infection and irritation.

· Avoid perfumes:

The vaginal area is self-cleansing and there is no need for added perfumes such as soaps, scented pads, and tampons, or any form of perfumes to be added to the area. Adding perfumes can irritate and throw off the natural pH of the vagina.



Vaginitis can cause a woman a lot of pain and discomfort, but by practicing healthy hygiene practices, she can prevent getting vaginitis. Being cautious of over-cleaning the vaginal area and avoiding disrupting the natural bacteria that belong in the vagina can limit your risk of getting vaginitis.

If you believe you may have vaginitis, seek medical help from your doctor to get the proper diagnosis and the right treatment.



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