Foods to eat to maintain proper vaginal health


The foods we choose to eat every day affect our overall health. We must be supplying our bodies with healthy food options to supply them with the proper nutrition and nourishment. According to the Mayo Clinic, vaginal health is an important part of women’s overall health. Did you know that you can maintain proper vaginal health by eating certain foods?

Foods to eat to maintain proper vaginal health:

· Cranberries:

Whether it is in juice form, pill form, or unprocessed and natural cranberries can help fight off bacteria. I am sure you have heard people say to drink cranberry juice if you have a UTI, this is because cranberries have acid compounds that fight off bad bacteria found in the vaginal area

· Probiotics:

Probiotics help the vaginal area maintain a balanced pH level. A healthy vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 5.0 and one way to keep it around that number is by eating probiotics such as yogurt which contains the same good bacteria as your vagina. When you maintain a balanced pH level you are fighting off infection and irritation.

· Sweet potatoes:

Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A which can help fight off bacterial infections such as BV and are important for maintaining healthy mucous membranes. Sweet potatoes are also high in fiber which is important for woman that have PCOS. PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome and affects the insulin levels of woman that have this syndrome. Fiber is great way to regulate insulin levels in woman with PCOS.

· Fruits and Vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are good for not only your vaginal health but your whole entire body. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that the body needs. It is suggested that adults should have 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit a day and 2 to 3 cups of vegetable a day, but you can never have too much, just too little!


Food is a great source of vitamin and minerals that can help women maintain proper vaginal health. As the saying goes “we are what we eat” so make sure when you’re choosing food you are choosing food that is going to allow you to feel your best and be your best. Health is our greatest wealth so take care of your body so you can wake up every day and live life to the fullest.



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