Changing your Sanitary Pad


It is suggested that when using a sanitary pad, you should change your sanitary pad every 4 to 6 hours. This time frame is suggested whether you are bleeding heavily or barely any at all.

Changing your pad every 4 to 6 hours is important to prevent unwanted leakage, bacteria overgrowth, skin irritation, and odor.


The vaginal area sweats and grows bacteria just like any other place on your body. During your period bacteria can overgrow quickly and using a sanitary pad cause bacteria to be trapped. Changing your pad frequently can help prevent bacteria from overgrowing reducing infections, odor, and skin irritation in your intimate area.

Though it suggested changing your sanitary pad every 4 to 6 hours some women may need to change their sanitary pad more often.


Reasons you may need to change your sanitary pad more often than usual:


· Heavy Flow:

Some women have heavier flows that may make them change their sanitary pads more often through the day than a woman with a lighter flow. Depending on how heavy your flow is you may need to change your sanitary more frequently.

· Safety/Comfort:

Periods can create a sense of panic in some women. The thought of being in public and bleeding through your sanitary pad can be scary and because of this, some women want to change their pad more often than they need to. A fresh clean sanitary pad can create a safe mind and allows a woman to be comfortable when she is out in public.

· Sweat:

Depending on the amount of exercise you get daily and your environment you may need to change your pad to keep moisture and odor under control. A woman that exercises often and sweats a lot should change her pad more than every 4 to 6 hours. Sweat creates moisture in the intimate area which allows bacteria to grow, skin irritation, and odor.

· Preference:

It is ultimately up to you how often you change your sanitary pad. Some women may prefer to change their pad every time they use the restroom while others may change it


Though it is recommended for women to change their sanitary pads every 4 to 6 hours other factors can make women want to change their sanitary pads more frequently. Flow, comfort, sweat, and preference are some factors that may make women change their pads more throughout the day.


Women that don’t change their period every 4 to 6 hours risk getting infections, skin irritation, and may experience foul odor. It is important to change your sanitary pad on time to reduce bacteria overgrowth and keep your intimate area clean and healthy.

Ava: Feminine Health and Hygiene, introduced by Stetho Health Systems, is a brand that offers sanitary pads that are micro-encapsulated with hemp seed oil. Not only do their sanitary pads help reduce pre-menstrual symptoms such as cramps, but it also helps limit bacteria overgrowth and nourishes the intimate skin.


Click here to learn more about Ava: Feminine Health and Hygiene.



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