
Gender Equity

  March 8th is International Women’s Day to “celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women from all around the world.” In 1977 the United Nations agreed to declare March 8th as the official day to observe International Women’s Day though it first emerged in the early 1900s. We celebrate International Women’s Day to bring awareness to gender biases, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse that women fall victim to every day. Each year the United Nations sets a theme to bring awareness to and this year’s theme is  #EmbraceEquity . Equity is the quality of being fair. Gender equity is treating everyone with fairness regardless of gender. Gender equity helps lead to gender equality. Gender equity is identifying and recognizing that each person is different but once we identify that we can allocate resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. We must first recognize the difference and then find a way to move forward toward equal ...

Women’s History Month

  March is Women’s History Month and as we enter this month as women it is important to acknowledge some women who have helped paved way for us. Women’s History Month has been celebrated since 1987 when Congress declared the entire month of March as the official month. Even before 1987 women have made history and found a way to leave their mark on the world. Here are 4 women who have inspired women and made a lasting impact on our world. Ada Lovelace: Ada Lovelace was a mathematician and writer. Between 1842 and 1843 Ada translated an article by military engineer Luigi Menabrea about the Analytical Engine. Her notes have since become important in understanding the early history of computers. The notes she had written are now considered to be the first computer program. With a lack of access to education, Ada Lovelace was able to write the first computer program. This is an inspiration to women around the world, especially to women that lack access to education themselves....

Travelling while on your period

  Being on your period and traveling is not as exciting as traveling without the worry of your period. Traveling can be stressful until you reach your destination and being on your period can add even more stress to your traveling plans. Whether it is by car, plane, or even boat anytime your travel you want it to be as stress-free and relaxing as possible. Today we will talk about traveling and your period. How to avoid traveling while on your period: There are times when you can’t control or avoid getting your period while you are traveling. Well, you can’t avoid getting your period at all, but you can avoid traveling while on your period. Thanks to period tracking apps you can roughly estimate when you will get your period allowing you to book trips before or after the time, you’re supposed to get your period. Period tracking apps are not always 100% accurate, and many things factor into getting your period. Only you know your body so only you will know if your period is regular ...

Feminine Hygiene Products

  There are hundreds of feminine hygiene products that stock the shelves of stores around the world. Feminine hygiene products are products used to maintain proper vaginal health whether it is a sanitary pad used to absorb menstrual blood or feminine hygiene wash used to keep the vulva area clean. Of these hundreds of products that women have access to it can be hard to find and decide what products you should use for your care. Feminine Hygiene Products and How to Decide What is Right for You: ·  Sanitary Pads: Sanitary pads are one of the most commonly used menstrual hygiene products and there are so many different options when it comes to choosing how can you choose what is best for you. When purchasing sanitary pads there are a few things to consider: ingredients in the pad, absorbency, and the length of the pad. When looking at the ingredients you should avoid any brands that have synthetic plastic materials, fragrances, dyes, or pesticides. Only you know your flow and ca...

Is your period healthy?

  Menstruation can be a very confusing topic to understand. There are so many different parts of menstruation and the female body; not every woman menstruates the same. Diversity surrounds us every day and where some women can relate to you in some ways when it comes to menstruation, they aren’t able to relate to you in every way. For first-time menstruators, it can be even more difficult to understand especially without the proper education. This is why we at  Stetho Health Systems  want to educate women around the world about proper menstrual health and hygiene. Whether you have been menstruating for years or just got your first period there is always something to be learned about menstruation such as is your period consider to be a healthy period. What makes a period healthy? A healthy period for you may not be the same for your friend. Your period could last 5 days and hers could last only 2 days, but that doesn’t mean that her period isn’t healthy. A healthy period s...

Menstrual Blood Clots

  During your period it is normal for menstruating females to pass blood clots but not a lot of women understand why. These clots are a mixture of blood and tissue that is shredded from the uterus lining. The amount and the size of a female’s menstrual blood clots can vary depending on her diet and lifestyle choices. According to  Cristiana Sandor , CEO of  Stetho Health Systems  ,“Women are as diverse as our world, and the more we reflect on them the better we can understand their needs.” Not every menstruating woman has the same cycle, and one woman may experience different size menstrual clots than another. Menstrual blood clots form to help the body from losing too much blood. These clots are natural, and usually appear when a woman has a heavy flow. These blood clots are typically bright red as they are passed quickly and do not have time to oxidize. If you are passing clots that are dark in color it can be due to passing clots that are made of old blood. Blood ...

How to naturally ease period cramps

  Roughly 80% of menstruating women experience period cramps. Period cramps can affect a woman’s day-to-day life due to the pain and discomfort women experience from them. For the uterus to shed the unfertilized egg that is released each month during ovulation the uterus must contract to result in cramping. Period cramps don’t have to affect a woman’s day-to-day life though. There are natural ways to combat the discomforts and pain associated with period cramps. Natural ways to combat period cramps: ·  Hydration: Hydration is key. During your period your body can lose a lot of water resulting in dehydration. It is important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water to feel your best and reduce bloating which can cause your cramps to become stronger. ·  Heat therapy: The heat helps in relaxing muscles. During your period applying heat to the abdomen can help reduce the pain and discomfort brought by cramps. Heating pads, warm baths, or heating patches can help relax your ...