
Showing posts from October, 2022

Feminine Hygiene Practices You Should & Shouldn’t Avoid

  Growing up you learn basic hygiene such as brushing your teeth, washing your hands, or how to wash your body. Though we are taught the basics there is a lot more to feminine hygiene than just washing your body or brushing your hair. There are hygiene practices women shouldn’t do and then their some that every woman should consider doing. At  Stetho Health Systems  we believe that better feminine hygiene practices have been linked to a form of women empowerment where with sufficient infrastructure, good-quality menstruation products, better privacy and awareness, young girls and women can live life confidently. We have put a list of hygiene practices women should and shouldn’t avoid, educating women on proper feminine hygiene. Feminine Hygiene Practices to Avoid: When you go to the store and walk down the feminine hygiene aisle there are hundreds of products. Tampons, sanitary pads, menstrual cups, foaming washes, and feminine wipes, the list goes on. These are all femin...

How to use Sanitary Pad

  Menstruation is a time vulnerable for menstruating females and there is a lot to learn about menstrual health and hygiene. If you are new to the menstrual world, you may not know how to properly use a sanitary pad. Here are the steps to using a sanitary pad: 1.  Choose you pad: Allay offers eco-friendly sanitary pads, naturally encapsulated with hemp seed oil. We offer three different size pads that vary according to how light or heavy your flow may be. Select the right size that works best for you. 2.  Wash your hands: Sanitation is the most important step. Ensuring that you have cleans before changing your pad is important as you will be in close contact to the most sensitive and absorbent skin on your body. You want to avoid the spread of any germs or bacteria. 3.  Prepare: Clean your vulva area of any blood with toilet paper or wet wipes. Place your underwear around your knees so you can see where you are placing your pad. 4.  Open Pad: Remove the pad from...

Why you should avoid douching:

  It is normal to want to feel cleansed. No one wants to go days without showering, feeling stinky, or feeling that there is an odor coming from their body. But have you ever researched if over-cleansing is doing any harm to you rather than any good? When a woman cleanses her vaginal area, she is actually doing more harm to her intimate area than good. The vagina is self-cleansing and doesn’t need any extra to stay fresh. It is okay to cleanse the vulva area, the outside of the vagina, but you shouldn’t never cleanse the inside of vagina. Why you should avoid douching: Douching is using water or other liquids to cleanse the inside of your vagina. It is found that  one in five women , in the United States, douche. Douching can lead to bacterial overgrowth which can result in infections and sexually transmitted diseases. When a female douches, she destroys the good and bad bacteria and the natural acidity her vagina. The vagina needs a healthy balance of bacteria in order to mai...

How fathers can support their daughters during Menstruation

  Fathers play an important role in their daughter’s lives just as much as mothers do. It is important for dads to know about menstruation and to be educated on what happens to a woman’s body when she is on her cycle. Yes, they may have an idea on what tampons and pads are, but do they understand why women menstruate? When it comes to having a conversation with your daughter about menstruation it may feel awkward or uncomfortable but when your daughter knows that you support her during a rough time, she will feel less vulnerable about menstruation and comfortable enough to speak to you when the time occurs. What is Menstruation? Every month a woman’s body prepares her for pregnancy if no pregnancy occurs the uterus sheds it lining. Menstrual blood is partly blood and partly the tissue that is being shed. It is a natural process that women first experience between the ages of 12 and 14 and can some begin earlier in some girls. Most women menstruate until they are between the ages of...

Her First Period

  Every female worldwide experience  menstruation   but not every experience is the same depending on your family, environment, and education. I interviewed a woman who was the first-born girl out of 10 children. Her parents divorced when she was a little girl and later, they both remarried. Her menarche story is one she will never forget and if one day she has a daughter she said she will share with her in hopes she finds relief in knowing that it isn’t always the prettiest, but it can get easier. She spent every weekend at her dad’s house growing up due to her parent’s divorce. It was a time she got to spend with her dad and her other siblings. She remembers one weekend in 2009 she was 13 years old, a seventh grader in junior high. Saturday night she remembers her stomach was hurting so bad that she could barely move, and she had no idea why. Her dad thought it was maybe something that she had eaten and gave her some stomach medicine. The medicine did nothing for her so...

AVA Feminine Wipes

  Feminine wipes can be used for everyday use and help females feel refreshed whenever and wherever they need them. Feminine wipes can be used after the gym, during your period, after sex, or just when you want a little extra freshness. They are quick to use and allow women to feel cleansed without having to take a shower. Though the vagina is self-cleansing the vagina still sweats and goes through odor changes just like any other place on your body. Feminine wipes provide women with easy access to freshen up when they are on the go or just want to feel cleanse. This can help women feel more confident especially when they are on their periods. When to use feminine wipes: ⦁ After you exercise ⦁ Before or after sex ⦁ During your period ⦁ When you want to feel refreshed Ava Feminine Wipes: Ava introduced by Stetho Health Systems is a brand that produces feminine wipes that are naturally infused with hemp seed oil. Ava’s feminine wipes are made with natural ingredients making it safe f...

Air Pollution

  Short Note on Air Pollution: Roughly 7 million people worldwide die each year from air pollution. The  World Health Organization  defines air pollution as “contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies natural characteristics of the atmosphere.” Air pollution is linked to respiratory, and other diseases and it can be the cause of morbidity and mortality. Pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide have the strongest evidence for public health concerns. Though a high majority of the world’s population breathes polluted air those in low- and middle-income countries have the highest exposure. Performing household activities such as cooking, space heating, and other activities can be the source of particulate matter pollution that can be found in your home. Poor vent circulation, inefficient stoves, heating water for baths, and brewing beverages can also be the cause of ...

Hormonal Acne

Have you ever thought to yourself “Why do I always get the worst acne before my period?” If you have you are not alone.  65 percent  of women have reported having premenstrual acne flare ups. Acne breakouts often appear a week before your period and tends to clear up after your period. We have hormones to thank for menstrual breakouts. During menstruation there is a fluctuation in hormones, and this can result in menstrual breakouts. Sebaceous glands are small glands found on the human that produce oil. Before your period estrogen and progesterone levels drop and this cause your sebaceous glands to secret more oil. Sebum is the oil that the skin produces, and this oil lubricates the skin. When there is an excess of sebum on the skin this can clog pores resulting in breakouts. Hormone fluctuation can also increase skin inflammation and produce acne causing bacteria called Propionibacterium. How to treat hormonal breakouts: Hormonal acne can be hard to treat because it is often ...

Over Cleaning the Vagina

  The vaginal area is made up of two parts, the vulva, and the vagina. The vulva is the outer part of the vaginal area, including the outer and inner vaginal lips, and the clitoris. The vagina is the passage that leads from the vulva to the cervix. The vagina is self-cleaning. The vagina produces discharges which naturally cleanses the vagina removing any bad bacteria and keeping the good bacteria that the vagina needs to prevent infections. While you can clean the vulva with fragrance-free soap no soap should enter the vagina. When you clean the vagina with soap or douches you are stripping away healthy bacteria and you are upsetting the natural pH of the vagina. What is vaginal pH? pH stands for the potential hydrogen and measures how acidic or alkaline something is. The number of hydrogen atoms determines the pH scale of 14 to 0. The less acid the higher the pH level and the more acid, the lower the pH level. The vaginal pH value is the level of pH associated with the vagina. No...