What is Vaginal pH?
pH stands for the potential hydrogen and measures how acidic or alkaline something is. The number of hydrogen atoms determines the pH scale of 14 to 0. The less acid the higher the pH level and the more acid, the lower the pH level. The vaginal pH value is the level of pH associated with the vagina. Normal vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 5.0 and is moderately acidic. Your pH level being balanced is key to regulating bacteria. The acidity in your pH level fights off harmful bacteria so when your pH level is balanced it can regulate good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus are the primary stabilizers of the vaginal ecosystem. Lactobacilli is a microorganism that can produce lactic acid by fermenting glycogen that deprived of the decay of eutrophic vagina mucosa, which then releases hydrogen ions. Producing an acidic pH and bacteriocins designed to kill other bacteria in the vagina, Lactobacilli protects women from sexually transmitted pathogen...