
Showing posts from September, 2022

What is Vaginal pH?

  pH stands for the potential hydrogen and measures how acidic or alkaline something is. The number of hydrogen atoms determines the pH scale of 14 to 0. The less acid the higher the pH level and the more acid, the lower the pH level. The vaginal pH value is the level of pH associated with the vagina. Normal vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 5.0 and is moderately acidic. Your pH level being balanced is key to regulating bacteria. The acidity in your pH level fights off harmful bacteria so when your pH level is balanced it can regulate good and bad bacteria.   Good bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus are the primary stabilizers of the vaginal ecosystem. Lactobacilli is a microorganism that can produce lactic acid by fermenting glycogen that deprived of the decay of eutrophic vagina mucosa, which then releases hydrogen ions. Producing an acidic pH and bacteriocins designed to kill other bacteria in the vagina, Lactobacilli protects women from sexually transmitted pathogen...

Irregular Peroids

  Most females experience a period every 28 days, but a healthy menstrual cycle can range anywhere from every 21 to 40 days. If you are worried about a missed period and know you’re not pregnant there could be other reasons that are causing you to miss your period. Pregnancy isn’t the only cause of a missed or late period.   Menstrual irregularities, missed or late periods, occur in an estimated 14% to 25% of women of childbearing age.   Common Reasons for a Missed Period:   ·        Stress: When your body is under stress it releases a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol triggers your body fight or flight mode which can affect your hormones depending on how your body reacts. When your hormones are affected, it can affect ovulation and your period.   ·        Birth Control: Different birth controls can affect the female different. Some birth controls can cause heavier or lighter per...


  Endometriosis is a condition were tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus, the endometrial, grows outside the uterus. An estimate of  2 to 10 percent  of American women of childbearing age are affected by endometriosis. During a female’s menstrual cycle, the uterus shed its lining, the endometrial, and the unfertilized egg when no pregnancy occurs. Females that have endometriosis experience a growth of tissue on other reproductive organs inside the pelvis or in the abdominal canal. This tissue is like the endometrial only it grows outside the uterus. The tissue thickens, breaks down and bleeds during each menstrual cycle a female experience, but unlike the endometrial it has no way to exit the body. Having no way of exiting the body this results in inflammation, swelling and can cause blood blisters. Symptoms: · Painful periods · Pain with intercourse · Pain with bowel movements or urination · Excessive bleeding · Infertility · Fatigue Your pain is not a reli...

Oldest Daughter Menarche Stories

Menarche can be a tough experience especially for women that have no education on menstruation, don’t know what to expect or maybe have no one to relate to. We as women are as diverse as our world and we come from different communities and go through different experiences. One thing woman around the world have in common is that we all experience menstruation. But even our menstrual stories can be different depending on your household, your education, and the people around you. I interviewed a lady that is 24 years old who was raised by women and is the first-born child in her household to see what her menarche experience was like.   My focus was to see who educated her the most on menstruation and if she was able to help her younger sister with her first cycle.   Summer: Summer is currently 24 years old, and she experienced menarche when she was 15 years old. She is the oldest girl and only has one younger sister. Summer started her first period while at the grocery st...

Reduce Period Bloating

During menstruation someone my experience period bloating. Period bloating is when a woman’s abdomen often feels swollen or extended. Often, she can experience this symptom before or during her period. Before a woman starts her period, her progesterone levels fall to allow the uterus to shed its lining. This shedding results in menstrual bleeding. In a study done by National Library of Medicine they found that the changes in progesterone and estrogen levels causes a woman’s body to retain more water and salt. This retention can cause the body’s cells to become swollen which results in bloating. Ways to Reduce Period Bloating: ·  Avoid eating a lot of sodium:  Stay away from processed food or food high in sodium. During menstruation your body retains sodium which can result in bloating. Eat foods that are healthy for you such as fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. ·  Workout:  Participating in light workouts such as yoga can help you sweat the excess water and sodiu...

Reducing Menstruation Symptoms and Discomforts Through the Use of Hemp-Seed Oil

  According to  Cristiana Sandor , CEO of  Stetho Health Systems , “Women around the world have been trying to balance life, work, family, and careers. On top of all these balancing acts, women also have to deal with menstruation and hormonal changes every month. Discomfort occurs with these changes every month, so it can be difficult to manage all of them simultaneously.” Some of the symptoms and discomforts that occur to women when they’re on their cycle, and are not limited to are, skin irritation, inflammation, odor, lack of nourishment to the vaginal skin, and risk of clotting or hemorrhaging. With the use of natural Hemp-seed oil, we can limit the symptoms and discomforts that women experience every month while on their cycles. Here are some benefits of Hemp-Seed oil during Menstruation: 1. Anti-Inflammatory: Hemp-Seed Oil’s most notable composition is its fatty acid, with oil content ranging from 25–35%, hemp seed additionally contains approximately 20–30% carbohyd...

How to Practice Self-Love

  Self-love can be defined as putting your own needs before others. Self-love is prioritizing your well-being and happiness. Self-love is appreciating yourself by doing things that support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. As a woman, it can be hard to practice self-love, especially with social media and images that paint women to be a specific way. It is important to understand that each woman is different, and you should love yourself for who you are, not how others think you should be. When you practice self-love, you can show up as your higher self and when you love yourself first and take care of your needs it allows you to show up for the people you love the most. At   Stetho Health Systems   we want to emphasize the importance of women loving their selves and their true beauty. We can educate women on how to properly accept themselves, their bodies, and all they have to offer to the world through proper education and tips. Here are a few ways to p...